Dog Shivering After Bath: Common Reasons and Easy 3 Step Solution
Dogs are one of the most adorable pets amongst the others. Yet, when they roll around in the mud and create a mess, they definitely require a clean-up session, don’t they?
Making a dog bathe isn’t an easy job because you have to hold your dog gently and ensure that they don’t engage in any funny business.
Wait, there is more to it! Even after they’ve taken a bath, some dogs may shiver constantly.
So, to help you out, I will talk about some of the common reasons and solutions for a dog shivering after bath.
Let’s begin!
Common Reasons Why Your Dog Is Shivering After Their Bath

Some of the most common reasons why your dog keeps shivering are:
1. It’s All Natural
One of the most common reasons why your dog keeps shivering is because it’s natural.
Science says that a dog’s fur can help in reducing heat loss. However, after a bath, the fur can trap plenty of water. This definitely results in more loss of heat.
So, to prevent it, your dog may start shaking or shivering to dry off their fur and to reduce the heat loss.
You need not worry if your dog just does it once or twice. However, it becomes a cause of concern if they keep shivering for long.
2. Wrong Water Temperature
Another reason why your dog keeps shivering or trembling during/after the bath is because of the wrong water temperature.
You may think that hot water can keep your dog warm and safe.
Now, this is important to note. Just like extremely cold water, hot water can also harm your dog.
The bottom line is the water should be lukewarm to keep your dog from going crazy and shivering after the bath.
3. Anxiety
Some dogs may absolutely love to take a bath! However, there are plenty of them who may even run away after hearing the word ‘Bath’.
So, if you feel like your dog belongs in the latter category, hear me out.
Your dog may hate the suddenness of bathing. If you suddenly keep them under a shower or use a harsh spray, they’re bound to shiver.
Instead, try to be gentle and patient while giving them a bath. You can also reassure them that everything is fine.
4. Room Temperature
Your room’s temperature also plays a huge role in shivering.
For example, if you have bathed your dog in lukewarm water and you suddenly bring them out in a cold room, they will start shivering.
So, don’t forget to warm up your dog before taking them outside if it’s chilly!
How to Stop Your Dog From Shivering After a Bath?

If you want to stop your dog from shivering mid-bath or after a bath, try to follow the below steps.
Step 1: Keep Observing Your Dog
Here’s the big tip: You need to stay alert at each and every step.
You may wonder why? Well, your dog can start shivering or shaking at any point in time.
They may simply start by shaking their ears. However, they won’t stop there. They’ll start shivering and shaking their entire body till you have no idea about what to do.
So, whenever you see it happening, try to calm your dog. Calming dog treats such as Zesty Paws’ Calming Dog Treats (Link to Amazon) are what I always recommend for new dog owners that struggle to find ways to easily calm their jittery dog’s nerves.
Step 2: Hold Your Dog Gently
When your dog starts shaking or shivering, grab its muzzle gently.
The reason is that the shaking usually starts from the muzzle. So, if you can pacify the nose, you may not have to worry about your dog shivering excessively.
Note: Try to be extremely gentle in this step or you might end up scaring your dog away.
Step 3: Get a Towel
The last and most important step is to get a towel as quickly as possible.
Now, there are plenty of towels available in the market. But if you really want to spoil that pup have a look at the Snuggly Dog Easy Wear Towel (Link to Amazon).
In this step, keep holding your dog’s muzzle gently. After some time, wrap your dog in a towel. Start the drying process using a towel.
Here’s a quick step-by-step overview of how you can do it.
- Squeeze out the extra water from the dog’s coat and don’t be in a haste
- Gently dry your dog using the towel and go top to bottom
- If your dog continues to shiver, try using a blow dryer
- Slowly blow-dry your dog’s coat while keeping the setting as low as possible
Your dog may get scared of the blow-dryer’s sudden noise, so if possible, try to cover their ears.
This YouTube video gives an excellent demonstration.
Tips for Bathing Your Dog
If you’re facing troubles mid-bath or after bathing your dog, then consider following the below tips.
- Keep the water setting as lukewarm
- Instead of directly facing the nozzle on your dog’s coat, spray the water in your hand, and bathe your dog
- Go for pet-based bathing products
- Don’t bathe your dog regularly unless it’s an emergency
Final Thoughts
Dogs may shiver after a bath to dry themselves. Thus, it isn’t a huge cause of worry.
However, you need to take great care of your dog both while giving them a bath and drying them off. If you don’t, it may cause your dog to catch a cold or other infection.
So, get good-quality towels, keep the water lukewarm, and ensure that you’re drying off your dog correctly!