
How long does it take for subcutaneous fluids to absorb in dogs?

If used correctly, subcutaneous fluids could save your dog’s life. A subcutaneous fluid administration is when the fluids are injected into the space under the skin, also known as the subcutaneous skin. It’s important that the fluids get absorbed before giving the dog more. So the question arises, how long does it take for subcutaneous…

dog scratching and digging at carpet. How to get them to stop?
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A Guide to Why Your Dog is Scratching at the Carpet and How to get Him to STOP!

There are many canine behaviorists on the world wide web and each one has a different theory on what could be causing your dog to scratch at the carpet. With so much information available it’s hard to narrow down exactly which thing could make them act so destructive and once you do you still have…